How can you discover your gifts for ministry?
You may be feeling that God is calling yout to a particular ministry, or you may be unsure about your gifts for ministry. Since it is the role of the church and its leaders to under gird the ministry of its members by nurturing faith, calling forth gifts, and equipping members for Christian service, you are encouraged to speak to your pastor, a council or staff member, or a trusted member at Friedens (or your faith community). Through ministry to others in Jesus’ name you will find everlasting joy, peace, love, and life which is only found in God’s kingdom.
Our Church Staff
Office Administrator – Cathy Reash
Bookkeeper – Pam Bryant
Organist – Peggy Williams
Accompanist – Ned Quest
Accompanist – Susie Rowan
Bell Choir Director – Bill Petersmeyer
Chancel Choir Director – Guy Schreck
Praise Band Director – Susie Rowan